Mental Health: A Product of Brain Health, Psychological Health, and Relational Health

Being a psychotherapist now for 18 years has taught me so much. But the more I learn, the more I realize -- or discover -- how it all comes down to  the basics. From my perspective, the basics are brain health, psychological health, and relational health. I evaluate and promote each of these in every one of my patients, on a daily basis. And I articulate to them the importance of all three in their overall mental health.

Brain Health

Making sure the key parts of one's emotional system that are mediated by the brain are healthy, notably those related to the limbic system. If they are unhealthy, a person experiences almost constant anxiety, depression, and/or irritability. Medication is typically very helpful to this, as can be mindfulness and exercise.

Psychological Health

This relates to two basic areas, the first is self-esteem and self understanding. That often needs to be addressed in order to improve one's self concept, typically on many levels. The other relates to understanding and managing one's emotions, or understanding the natural and healthy role of joy, anger, fear, and sadness in one's life, accepting them non-judgmentally, as well as enhancing more joy in different parts of one's life.

Relational Health

Assessing and evaluating one's relationships, especially those relationships that are the most supportive and most important. Enhancing a person's ability to be involved in mutually caring relationships, or the relationships where people say to each other, mostly subconsciously, we care about each other, and we believe in each other.

When these three areas of a person's life are addressed and improved, treatment is successful. And discovering that for all of us, or that beach of these three areas of mental health are common and equally important to our overall well-being, psychologically and emotionally.

Discovering these basic understandings also make mental health issues extremely understandable, approachable, and addressable. That makes sense for everybody.

Please know I will return to these topics over and over again through this blog, as they can be explored from many angles, deepening our understanding of what they mean to us, and to our best mental health — all part of the New Science of Mental Health.