Today’s episode is the about direct line between universal existing and the love we share together.
Everything in the universe is existing, interacting fields of energy, merging and emerging. Atoms emerge from the fundamental fields of energy, molecules emerge from atoms, and eventually living beings emerge from molecules.
As I have stated, all living beings are Caring. Everything about living beings, every aspect and every function, is Caring. For us, digestion is Caring, feeling pain is Caring, our beating heart is Caring -- everything is Caring.
Many animals, or mammals, actually feel something that is Caring, an emotional affection, a bond or bonding, that we call love.
This emotional connection is essential for our survival, or continued existing. That’s why it exists. Not for any other reason except it’s function, shaped by evolution, over time, for our continued existing.
The universe doesn’t care, it never will, and it never should. But we do, we need to care for and about each other for our continued existing, and feeling that is what leads ultimately to our best and essential mental health, something we will explore together many, many times on this channel.